What to Know About Side Panel Damages
1. Side Panel Damage Compromises Your Car Doors
If your car’s side panel is damaged, you may have compromised the doors on that side of the car. When there is a dent or a hole in a side panel, the air inside the car can get in and out of the car more easily than before.
Now, if you open the door on that side, the air will escape from the hole/dent and may cause the door not to open properly. The side panel of your car is also the outer skin of your car. If there are indentations, then the integrity of your vehicle has been weakened.
2. Side Panel Damages can Lead to Broken Glass
When your side panel is damaged, it can lead to further complications. The best thing to do is look into what you can do to repair the dents and holes on the side panel. However, you’ll also want to ensure that you fix any dents or holes on your windows and windshield.
3. Side Panel Damages May Result in Bent WheelsÂ
If your car’s side panel is damaged, it may result in problems for your car’s wheels. When a car dents or crushes against the side panel, it can result in the wheels being deformed or bent.
Bent wheels can have a negative impact on the overall performance of your car. It can also lead to a misalignment of your car’s wheels, making a bumpy ride.
4. Side Panel Damage Also Ruins Your Car’s Frame
Side panel damage can result in a bent or damaged frame. This is because your side panels are usually made of metal or carbon fiber. This means that if you have any dents on your side panels, it will result in the frame being damaged.
A bent frame can affect the stability of your car and can make it harder for you to drive safely. It can also mean that there are smaller holes that can allow for rain and dirt to get into your car.